
Showing posts from January, 2021

How to deal with Negative Reactions

Image Curtesy: The wounds heal, the scars become fainter and fainter and the pain becomes almost like a passing thought. You start to think that maybe the light at the end of the tunnel is near...however, the biggest challenge is yet to come: to face the harsh and judgmental reactions of the people around you. They can be your parents, your partners, your siblings, friends or even strangers. We can dream of a Eutopia where no one will judge us for our past and will take our struggles for what they are, however, most often than not that is not the case. And people react, without thinking about u or sometimes not thinking at all. This is not to say that they are bad people, they mean ill or that we are saints, It is a human folly after all and who is to say,  we might have reacted similarly for someone else in some other situation and not have realized it. But today, lets talk about how to deal...