Anorexia Nervosa - what is it?

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Hey readers, 

Till now, we have talked about the types of self harm that are... shall we say the most glorified. People talk about them, they know about them and can see the results immediately. 
Today, let us touch upon a topic so far not visited by us - Eating disorders, and most particularly, Anorexia. 

before we jump into that, let us take a look at what eating disorders are. Eating disorders by definition are characterized by disturbed eating habits which can arise from an obsession with food, with body shape or n number of other factors but find an underlying cause in psychological conditions.

They can vary on both sides of the scale - literally!. While some people develop obsessive eating habits at all hours of the day, others can develop an aversion to eating and might try to limit their food intake as much as possible. These are not simple dieting or binge eating phases that one might indulge in, but rather a far more serious, and sometimes sinister situation. 

In this particular article, we are going to focus on the negative side of the scale - in particular self starvation which could lead to anorexia if not controlled. Anorexia is characterized by abnormally low body weight, an intense fear of gaining weight and/or a distorted image of your own body.

As mentioned above, an eating disorder often finds a root cause in some psychological issues. It can be caused due to insensitive comments from peers, high expectations from the society about what is "beautiful" and what is not and even from just simply looking for control in a hard situation.

Yes, eating disorders can also be a coping mechanism. The one way of finding peace and control. You control the amount of food you take in, you control your weight, your looks and slowly the knot untangles and you can breathe again. It starts off as making simple rules to follow, not finishing a full plate of food, restricting your daily number of calories, exercising more, after each and every meal and then before you know it, the rules increase and the weight loss goes on and on and on till you cannot even walk 10 steps on your own or cannot get out of bed. 

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Anorexia has the highest rate of mortality when it comes to mental disorders. Moreover, like any other addiction, it is not easy to get out of the habit and thus recovery can often take more than a decade with several periods of relapses in between. And while it may not leave physical scars, the internal issues it causes stay with you long after you have managed to recover. 

While every person has a different story and a different approach, the journey towards anorexia can be broadly outlined as follows - 

1. Negative thoughts about body weight or obsessive need to cut down on it leading to a reduction in the amount of food intake.

2. Drastic and massive blood loss which can lead to the development of various diseases and other issues.

3. Malnutrition and the protruding of bones like spine, hip bone and ribs. 

4. Further starvation which leads to fainting fits and in the worst cases can lead up to death.

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Not only is the end effect bad, however each and every stage also leads to a large number of other health issues like - 

  • Liver Problems
  • Gallstones
  • Lean muscle loss: Lean Muscle loss and slow metabolism
  • Losing skin elasticity
  • Osteoporosis 
  • A deterioration of organs, typically with the most damage to the liver and intestines followed by the heart and kidneys
  • Dehydration
  • Deficiency in essential vitamins and minerals
  • Muscle and cartilage deterioration
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • In females, loss of menstruation
  • Substance abuse
  • In males, lowered testosterone
  • Anemia
  • Mitral valve prolapse (abnormal heart rhythms)
  • Depression, anxiety and mood disorders
  • Heart failure
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • Gastrointestinal problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome
  • Low potassium, chloride, and sodium levels (electrolyte balance problems)

Unfortunately, most people who suffer from Anorexia consider themselves to be "In Control" of it and hardly ever discuss their issues with anyone. This means, that most often than not, the problem is recognized when its too late and a lot of the damage has been done. 

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The solution? 
Love yourself, love your body and most importantly take care of yourself. Surround yourself with good people who care about you and as and when possible, talk about your issues. 

Each and every person is special and unique and every one deserves to live a happy and fulfilling life. No matter what point you are at, remember there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and those who will help you navigate to it.  

For more information, please refer to the following websites.

You got this!

Stay healthy, stay safe!

You can write to us in the comments section below in case of any queries.


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